Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday {LOVE}

Today it's Friday, and it's my birthday!!!

 I'm posting my camera phone pics using the hipstamatic app and linking up to Life Rearranged Instafriday.

 I've also written a 34 random things about me post for my 34th birthday. Check it out here.

I took the challenge from last week and included photos of things I love.  I know she said not of your cute kids, family, etc...but I don't follow directions very well.  I photographed some objects, but I couldn't not include my kiddos and family.

I love my silly Ben at Grimaldi's. 

Will loves playing with the pizza dough while we wait for our pizza.

Ben decided to wrap his pizza dough around his neck.

Love Anthro!

Love that I got a birthday coupon to use...just can't decide what to buy.

I love that my boys were patient while I browsed.
Fun timers that are magnetic.  Maybe I'll buy one of these.
Tea towels
Amazing displays

Love my husband playing Words With Friends on the free wi-fi at McDonald's

Love my grandparents more than words

Love a bookshelf full of classic children's books

Ben loves Karen Katz books right now

 We all love Mo Willems
 Will still loves the Pigeon books.  They have been some of his favorites for over a year.

Icee--Love to mix the cherry with the coke.  It's perfection.

Love Tex-Mex and this is my favorite local Tex-Mex restaurant

Love my boys in their headphones watching cartoons in the car. 


life rearranged


  1. Hooray for an Anthro coupon for your antro! And, we also love Knuffle Bunny Books in this house!

  2. Someday I will step foot in Anthro....Someday! How do you get the bday coupon? (even though I just had mine!! I'm celebrating the 4th anniversary of my 29th birthday!)

    We do WWF too.Sometimes my husband and I will be sitting across the room playing each other!

  3. Happy Birthday!! Love the pizza dough fun! Yum on the icee too! what a fun treat!

  4. Karen Katz books are the best and your Anthro is so pretty. What a fun birthday treat :)
    Happy Birthday!!!

  5. I love love love Anthropologie. I kind of wish I could live there. We love the Katz books around here, too - now I have to check out Mo Williams! (And I am totally guilty of many kid photos this week.)

  6. Hi again, Just looking through some more of your blog. Anthropologie is one of my favorite places to buy kitchen stuff. I have a collection of latte bowls from there. I am a big lover of Mexican food as well! :) Oh, and I love the Dallas Arboretum. It's a perfect place for photos.

    Sorry to have read about the passing of your grandfather. Sending up a prayer for you.


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