Friday, August 26, 2011

Still Friday

It's still Friday...

I'm barely getting this InstaFriday post together before midnight.  While a rerun of Mad Men plays in the background, I'll throw this together. (By the way, did you know that AMC is showing the entire Mad Men series from season 1 to present?  Three episodes are shown on Sunday and we DVR them and watch them throughout the week.   It's such a well written show.  The characters are so dynamic, and the acting is phenomenal.)

I'm still holding on to the last memories of summer.  I let the boys play in the splash pool one last time before school started.  I think I shared photos of this on Monday, but here are some from my camera phone.

Looking cool while doing a little shopping at Target. 

Friday Night Lights
I live in small town Texas and this is what it's like every Friday night. 

My favorite pizza place.

The boys get to play with pizza dough while we wait on our pizza. 

Another food photo.
Chipotle has the best guacamole.  Ever. 

The boys were awesome last Saturday when we visited my grandpa in the hospital.  Here they are drinking juice boxes and watching Peanuts on the computer.   




Someone is enjoying his ice cream cone! 

life rearranged


  1. Looks like a fun week. My mouth is watering from that ice cream cone.

  2. How's your grandpa doing? I hope he's making progress. : )
    Love your guy in the fedora!
    I hope you are doing well now that school/work at started.
    Happy weekend!

  3. Hi lovely,

    It's so strange seeing life over the pond - so different but so similar!!

    And I have to tell you I am a huge fan of your What I Wore posts. Huge fan!!



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