Monday, July 11, 2011

Pizza, Pumpkin and Poison Ivy

Let's start the week with some random ramblings. 

I made this pizza with fresh mozzarella.  This is about as close as I get to being a foodie.

Most of the ingredients came from Whole Foods.  The pizza sauce is from Target. 

I don't have a photo of the pizza after it was cooked because it was immediately devoured.  I think we'll make another one.  I liked the taste of fresh mozzarella.

While shopping for VBS supplies, I saw this pumpkin on sale at Hobby Lobby.  I'm the last person to wish away my summer vacation, but I love fall and fall decor.  When I saw that the pumpkin was 50% off I decided to buy it.  The only problem is that I've been so busy that I haven't gone into the attic to put it up.  Here it sets on my kitchen counter.  I might as well leave it out until October, when it's time to decorate for fall. 

I have poison ivy and it sucks.  It's on my face, chest/neck and legs.  So far it hasn't popped up anywhere else, but I'm sure there are more exposed places that will appear.  I know, "Leaves of three, leave them be."  I know, I know!  I saw it in our front flowerbed and I pulled it up anyway.  It's my own fault.  What's even worse is that I can't put anything on my face.  Steroid creams aren't good for the face, so I'm using the Benadryl on my face and the other stuff on my neck and legs.

I wouldn't end on a negative note so here are some photos of my cuties before we went to see Cars 2.  I wanted to get a photo of them in their Cars t-shirts.  If you've followed my blog for a while, then you know how hard it is for me to get my boys to cooperate for a photo.  I keep on trying anyway.

Photo Attempt #1 

Photo Attempt #2

Photo Attempt #3

Photo Attempt #4

In the summer our church is like a farmers' market.  I live in a rural area where a lot of people have gardens.  Often people have more than they can use so they bring it to church to share.  I remember as a kid my grandmother would take cantaloupe, okra, tomatoes and squash to church and people would bring bags so they could take home the homegrown veggies.  It's the same way at our church now.  I love the generosity of people.

The lone squash in the back is from my garden.  My hopes and aspirations of having a garden full of vegetables is  no more.  My garden has almost died from the extreme heat and lack of rain.  I'll give it a try next year, but this year it wasn't a success.

One more positive to start the week.
If you are reading this after 9A.M. central time, I am on a date with my husband!  We haven't celebrated our anniversary at the end of June or his birthday, which is coming up at the end of the month.  Mark's mom is keeping the boys and we are going to spend the day together.  It's a "date day" instead of a "date night".  Whatever works to get a date, I'm all for it!

I plan to post our road trip photos this week.  I'll have about 4 post that tell all about our trip to Tennessee and Georgia that we took back in June.

Here's a sneak peek.

Linking up to lowercase letters
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. fun post today... except for the poison ivy! have fun on your "date day!" SO fun!! :)

  2. Sorry about the poison ivy, no fun!! The pictures of your boys are cute, I love the 2nd one :) Mm fresh mozzarella is the BEST! Hope you have a wonderful "date day" with your hubby!

  3. Oh my gosh, I didn't even know you could get poison ivy on your face. I mean, I guess it makes sense, but ack! Hope you start feeling better.

    Enjoy your anniversary celebration!

  4. HI - Visiting from Misc. Monday blog hop!
    Oh no -poison ivy - used to get that as a kid - you have my sympathies!!!!

    Am your Newest Follower - Nice to meet you!

    Hope you'll stop by and say hello - posted a Palm Beach family getaway giveaway!

    Happy Monday--


  5. Oh no on the poison ivy!!! Hope you heal quickly. UGH. Your pizza qualifies you as a foodie in my books! Yum!!

  6. The poison ivy sounds awful! I am hoping your adorable boys don't get into it!

  7. Making a pizza sounds fun...I think I might try it. Hope your poison ivy goes away SOON and you feel better. xo

  8. Oh no, I am sorry to hear about the poison ivy Michele! Hope you get to feeling better very soon. And next time, let them be!!! ;)
    Your pizza sounds delish! Did you grow basil in your garden this year? That would be a yummy addition to that pizza too!


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