Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You + Me = Forever

Mark + Michele = Forever

Nine years ago today, Mark and I said "I do" and we haven't looked back since.  It was such a happy day.  I don't have very many photos from our wedding and these two photos captured the genuine joy and excitement of the moment. The first photo is us leaving the church and the second is us leaving our reception.

We don't have a perfect marriage but we have a very happy marriage.  Last year I received two of the biggest compliments I have ever been given.  They were from two teachers that Mark and I work with. 

One told me that she knew that Mark and I would be married forever.  I thought it was interesting that she used the word forever.  I'd never really thought about it that way, but I think we have approached marriage with that mindset.  Marriage is forever. 

The other compliment came from a younger teacher who told me that our marriage wasn't normal.  What was normal to her was the dysfunctional marriages we see all too often around us.  She told me that what Mark and I have wasn't the norm, and I considered this one of the biggest compliments we've ever received.  Usually I want to be normal, but in the context of our conversation abnormal was just fine. 

If I knew the secret to a happy marriage, I'd write a book and spread the message.

So far here's what has worked for us.
Love God
Love each other
Spend quality time together
Make our family a priority

No big secret, but that's what seems to work for us.  I think each couple has their own approach that works for them, but many of the happy marriages I see have similar priorities.  If you are married, I wish you many happy years together with your beloved.  If you are single, I hope you find someone who you can live with happily forever.


  1. Happy Anniversary! What a beautifully written post. :)

  2. This is a really lovely tribute to your marriage.

    Wishing you lots of love (and more wonderful compliments) in the years to come.

  3. Happy happy 9 years to you and Mark Michele!!
    My husband and I will celebrate 9 years on the 13th. I can't believe it has been that long. Time flies. It truly does. Life is good with your best friend alongside you.
    Hope you two have a fun night or two to celebrate!

  4. So, so sweet! Your advice is so simple and so true. Thank you. xo

  5. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!

  6. Happy 9th Anniversary!!!! (We celebrate 9 years in August!)

  7. Beautiful post! Congratulations... Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated our anniversary on Sunday. Great time of year for a wedding! ♥

  8. This is so sweet. Love the compliments you have received.

  9. Congratulations on 9 years what a lovely post. We have just celebrated our 10th and I belive your thoughts on priorities hit the nail on the head.


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