Saturday, June 18, 2011

Trying to Beat the Heat

It's June.

It's 100 degrees.

It's going to be a very long summer.

The only relief from the heat is water.

Ben received a couple of cool water toys for his birthday and the boys have been begging to play with them.  Today was the perfect day to break out the sprinkler water ball and splash mat.

A good time was had!

The sprinkler water ball and splash mat worked double-duty.  The boys were entertained and it watered the grass.  

Next week Will starts swim lessons and I hope he takes to the water like a fish and learns quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I wish it was that warm here but then again I would probably be complaining it was too hot then. We have low to mid 70's with clouds every morning.
    The boys look like they are having a blast!


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