Saturday, May 7, 2011



Images Lauren

I have the privilege to be a mother.

When I started thinking about being a mother, it's the first word that came to mind.  Of course, unconditional love is up there, too.  Being a mother is the hardest job and most rewarding job. (I know that wasn't an original thought, but it's the truth.) 

Sometimes I ask myself, how did I get so lucky to have such a sweet family?

I think back to the months before we found out we were expecting Will.  Those were dark days.  I didn't know if we could ever have children, and I was trying to come to terms with that.  We were thrilled and surprised to find out I was pregnant.  It was the same situation when we were trying for a second baby.  I was ready to start fertility drugs when I found out we were expecting Ben.  I don't ever take for granted my two healthy sons.  It's hard for me to remember the emotions I felt during those sad times because my life is so full of joy now.  Going through that has made me eternally grateful for the blessing of motherhood.

It's truly a privilege.

Happy Mother's Day


  1. It's so beautiful to read how much you embrace the love you all share as a family.

    Have a Mother's Day filled with blessings, Michele!

  2. What a sweet post. I, too, struggled with infertility--secondary infertility. It's hard to believe by looking at my header in my blog, though. I cherish every moment with my kids, and I never take anything for granted. I realize how blessed I am to have them. I hope you have a wonderfully blessed Mother's Day. love the pictures of you and your boys!

  3. Beautiful as is your family! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  4. What a sweet post Michele. It is such a privelege.
    It took almost two years before we were pregnant with my oldest and I felt the same way. Unsure if it would ever happen. It truly is such a blessing.
    Happy Mother's Day!!

  5. What a beautiful post! Your kids are so adorable!

    Happy Mother's Day! :)

  6. Beautiful. You and your family... precious. Happy Mother's Day Michele! :)

  7. Your boys are so lucky to have you! Enjoy your day!

  8. Beautiful post, Michele. Happy Mother's Day to you!


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