Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happiness Is...

Happiness is the first tomato in my garden!

Mark spotted the little tomato yesterday and Will was ready to pick it.  I probably need to buy the wire tomato cages because they are growing so fast that the plants will probably need the support soon.

I know that I write about my garden a lot, but I'm getting so much satisfaction from this project.  I have several blog friends who also planted gardens this year and I've had fun reading about their gardening adventures. 

Next, I plan to plant herbs in containers.  I keep meaning to stop by our local feed store to purchase some (feed store as in feed store where you buy feed for livestock and supplies for your farm and ranch--I love small town life!  Do I sound like Pioneer Woman?).   I can't ever remember to drop by after work.  I think it'll be neat to cook with fresh herbs, I've never done that before.

Here are a couple of photos of my little tomato.  I decided to photograph it just in case Will or Ben decide to pick it early, which is highly likely!


  1. We started a garden and have little tomatoes too. It is exciting!!!

  2. We have a few on ours too!!! Last year I planted tomatoes and we had so many, I loved not having to buy any all summer long.

  3. Awesome! All your hard work is paying off.

  4. congrats on your lil tomato! i hope you are blessed with many more this summer.

  5. How fun!! I don't have tomatoes yet but we do have a few strawberries out there.
    I've noticed there are tons of fruit flys that seem to be eating the soil. Do you have that too? I don't care if they are on the soil but I hope they don't eat our harvest!!

  6. Thats awesome! Keep us posted on your gardens progress... I'm kinda jealous! :)


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