Monday, April 25, 2011

The Thrill of the Hunt

The boys had 3 Easter egg hunts this year.  We usually hunt eggs at Mark's parents and that's it.  We had another Easter egg hunt with the kiddos from our church, but I forgot to take my camera to that one so I don't have any photos to share.  We also hunted eggs at our house this weekend.

Here are the boys at Mark's parents house.

Ben definitely knew what to do this year. 

As soon as Will found a few eggs he wanted to eat all of the candy.  He's not a greedy child because he could care less about how many eggs he had in his basket.  His only concern was getting the candy out of the eggs so he could eat it.   Notice his basket is almost empty.

Our last Easter egg hunt was this weekend.  I went a little overboard and purchased way too many eggs for three little one to hunt.  It just looked so neat with eggs all over the yard.  Mark and Durwood got tired of hiding eggs in our backyard.  Mark said they ran out of places to hide them so he started tossing them in the middle of the yard in plain sight.

Ben loved this yellow egg.

Will filling up his basket. 

By the looks of the overflowing baskets, Dade and Will were very successful.

The boys have had such a fun Easter this year.  We're blessed with a loving family, wonderful church and sweet friends.  They make special occasions even more meaningful.  I'm thankful for all of the memories we've made this month celebrating Easter.


  1. Such cute pics of your little guys Michele! It is so fun to watch the kids hunt for eggs!

  2. What fun pictures! The boys are adorable and look like they had a great time! I love watching the little ones hunt eggs. They get so excited with each one they find! Glad your Easter was great!!!!


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