Monday, April 18, 2011

My Garden

I finally have a garden in my backyard! 

Last week, Mark's dad brought his tiller over to our house and tilled up a spot in the backyard for my first garden.

I have tomatoes, squash and cantaloupe planted.  It's not a very large area so about 6 tomato plants and just a couple of other things will fill it up. 

Did you know that tomato plants can be planted deeper than other plants?  Mark's dad told me that you can't really plant them too deep. I didn't know that.  It's the opposite when planting trees, you don't want them very deep.  I followed his advice and placed the plants securely underground with plenty of soil around them.

Mark's dad at work.

Ben is my little helper.

Squash and Cantaloupe

I can't wait to have garden fresh tomatoes this summer.  My grandma used to have a garden that was almost an acre.  She would grow squash, okra, corn, onions, potatoes, cucumbers, peas, green beans, cantaloupes, various other melons and tomatoes.  She also had rows of zinnias.  I didn't appreciate her garden until I was older.  Working in the garden was therapeutic for my grandma.  She would work for hours in it.  I can relate to that so much now.  I'd rather be outside than anywhere else.  The hours pass and I don't even realize it.  I forget all the cares in the world when I'm outside.  I'm so happy to have my little garden.  My new "happy place" will keep me busy this summer while the boys play.  It's a win-win situation.  They get to play outside for a long time and I get my garden.

Is anyone else taking on a gardening project this spring?  I have more yard work and gardening projects in the works that I'll be sharing very soon.  Remember those Knockout Roses that I blogged about here.  Well, they are in the ground now.  I have the scratches from the thorns to prove it!  I have a few more things to finish up in the front yard and then I'll show you what I've been up to.



  1. I'm jealous. It's just too cold where I live to start gardening yet, but being in a new (to us) home with a small green house full of starter plants sprouting, I AM READY!!! :)
    Great pics and inspiriting story. Can't wait to get started myself! :)

  2. We started a garden too but it is looking a little sad. I am sure yours will do much better. : ) Your boys are adorable!

  3. We do flower gardening with a few veggies sprinkled throughout. Last year it was tomatoes and cucumbers. We will probably do the same this year... we have a few more weeks to decide- we plant Mother's Day weekend ;)

  4. Cant wait to see how your garden does!! It looks like you have a great bakyard for it!! Awesome job!!


  5. We made our first garden last year and it was so fun. This year we'll grow tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, strawberries, peppers, corn, lettuce and we may try eggplant, though it didn't do well last year. Good luck. I look forward to seeing your garden grow!

  6. We are in the process of a garden! It will be my first too. Yours looks great. How exciting.
    Isn't it funny how you don't care much about that kind of thing until you are older? My Mom has planted a garden every spring, and I could have always cared less, until now.

    We just bought that same sandbox for the girls this weekend. They love it. We are all happier when we are outside too!! Much luck with the garden!


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