Monday, April 4, 2011

Bunnies, Goldfish, Tea, Puzzles and Allergies

It's Miscellany Monday so I'm sharing some randomness 

Bunnies vs. Goldfish
It's a tie.
It just depends on the day at our house.  Will and Ben like both.

# 2
I would buy tea every single time I went to the grocery store.  I love tea.  My husband has to be the voice of reason and remind me that I need drink all of the tea I have and then I can buy more.  Good thing I have him around ;) 

Will is totally into this United States of America puzzle right now.  I added these photos of him putting it together because I don't want to forget this in 5 years.  Mark and I love history and geography so this makes us so happy.
Concentration.  So cute!

Poor Ben.  He's been feeling pretty miserable with allergies.  He's had a runny nose and the most pitiful cough for over a week.  He's received his fair share of cuddles and hugs this weekend.  I took this photo of him coughing. 
There's a sweet smile!

I'm on the lookout for a new steam cleaner.  Mine died a few months ago and we've been waiting to replace it.  I'm a little OCD when it comes to cleaning the carpets and I can't wait to replace the broken one.

Grey's Anatomy was awful, in my opinion.  I had to fast forward through most of the show.  I love a musical, but I don't love a Grey's musical.  *Just my opinion.  If you liked it, that's cool.

Do any of you ever post Bible verses as your facebook status?  I do and this is the one I shared this week.  Well, I guess I should say verses since there are more than one.  I needed a remind of the "big picture" and these verses did just that.  Everything on this earth is temporary...focus on the prize--eternity.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (ESV)
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. great post - love that verse. also, all i could do during greys was laugh! it was so ridiculous!!! i did like that addison was back though!

  2. I've never seen the bunny crackers!lol
    I love the puzzle. My 8year old is obsessed with US history and wants to be President. Maybe you have one of those on your hands. So fun!

  3. O-M-G... Grey's Anatomy is my favorite show and I too hated this past episode. It was like the "Glee" of Greys!

  4. I did a devotion on that verse almost a year ago and I still love it :) Your boys are so stinkin cute, I can't take it!

    Some friends went to disney world recently and bought me HONEY SPOONS for tea! It's honey spoon attached to a stick and you just put it in the tea cup and it melts!

  5. We are a tea loving house over here! My girls beg me to go to teavana and get them some more white chai/samurai chai blend. And, lol, my cabinets are full of tea...and coffee...

    I don't watch Grey's Anatomy but I've heard about the musical edition. Too strange, if you ask me!

    Hope your little one's allergies get better. I deal with terrible spring allergies so I feel for him.

  6. um... AMEN, greys was a train wreck! I DVR'd it and just watched it yesterday, but I didn't like it (and I don't watch glee either! bah!)

    and yes, I sometimes put scripture as my FB status (this little light of mine...) love the one you posted above! :)

  7. Stopping over to say hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I love tea as well. Ha I'm drinking some right now as I read your blog! I hope your little guy feels better. Allergies are no fun.

    I never post Bible verses as my Facebook status, but actually think that would be quite a good idea. With all the negative and complaining statuses people post I'm sure these would be a welcoming, positive thought for most people to read! Thanks for the idea.

    Have a wonderful day!

  8. I completely agree about Grey's! After the first commercial, I thought it would be a good drama...not a musical!


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