Thursday, April 14, 2011

Am I the only one?

Am I the only parent who can't get her children to cooperate for a photo?

Please tell me I'm not alone.

I thought the boys looked handsome on Sunday, and I was determined to get a photo after church.  Will didn't want any part of it, and Ben refused to put down the sippy cup.

I was tickled to get one photo of them looking at me.

Let me show you the effort it took to get the photo above...

First, they wanted to look at everything but the camera. 

Next, Will looked but Ben was too busy drinking his juice. 

Ben is being a little ham and Will is bored. 

Now Will looks but Ben is thirsty again. 

I have them cornered by the door. There's no where to go so you might as well look and smile. 

So much work for one photo!  That's why I hired a professional to take their photograph.  If you noticed the new photos on the side of the blog, all credit goes to the extremely talented Lauren.  She took spring photos of our family at the Dallas Arboretum in March.  I plan to share my favorites with you soon.  She did an amazing job.


  1. too funny! I try to get all five sometimes, and that is just comical the things I go through to get all of them looking at me. And if Charlotte is looking at the camera smiling, all the rest of them are looking at her! cute pictures!

  2. You summed up my photo taking experiences with my two girls in a nutshell!!

  3. lol, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I try everything to get them still and usually take about 15 or more pictures just to get maybe 1 that is good! I don't know why I even try so hard but when I don't I regret it later. Sometimes bribery works :)

  4. Mine are 7 and 9 and I still can't get them to cooperate for photos. Thank goodness for photoshop!

  5. i love the ones of Ben sipping his juice & Will looking bored. Those are pictures of real life, and you'll want to remember those moments years from now more than the perfect, smiling, open eyes, looking the right direction, pictures. ok, maybe a few of those are nice too. :)



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