Saturday, March 12, 2011

Boys Are Easy

I can only speak from my personal experience of being a mommy to little boys, but in my humble opinion boys are so easy to dress.  Each year we stock up on the same shorts for spring and summer.  I haven't found any shorts that I like better than the Children's Place cargo shorts with an adjustable waist.  Since I love them so much I buy a couple of each in a two different shades of khaki.  Simple and easy and they coordinate with most of Will's t-shirts.  Perfect for playing outside in the summer and cute enough to wear when we're out and about.  We picked these up last night along with a few other cute things that I'll show you later.

Concerning clothing we're in a transition phase right now with Will.  He's four and a half and he's too big for the baby/toddler section.  He's now in the boys section, which I can't believe!  When did my little boy turn into a big boy?  This is new territory for me to navigate.  It's a little bittersweet.  It's exciting to see him grow up and sad that it all goes by so quickly. 

These shorts are a size four, and I've also purchased some size five!  FIVE!  That just seems so big!


  1. Oh Michele,
    Every morning when I am dressing my girls and combing through their tangly hair while they cry and scream, every single morning, I think, boys must be so easy. Boys must just throw on a shirt, throw on some shorts, run a comb through their short hair, and done. Sigh. Oh well, I'm stuck with my routine I guess. :) But at least one day they will do their own hair!

  2. I miss the days where I actually got to pick my boys clothes. They are 7 and 9 now and it is athletic shorts/pants and athletic T's or Under Armour every single day--EVERY day! I'm actually looking forward to the day that they start caring about their appearance and start begging me for Abercrombie and Hollister!


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