Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sorry, Santa

Dear Santa,
Sorry about not leaving homemade cookies. Mommy and Daddy said you would like the Pepperidge Farm cookies. Tell the reindeer we hope they enjoy the organic spring mix. We’ll have homemade cookies and carrots next year.
Will and Ben

On Christmas Eve I planned on making homemade sugar cookies with Will. I had the colorful sprinkles and all of the ingredients we’d need to prepare a special treat for Santa. After a week of baking and cooking, I just didn’t have it in me. We’d spent all day at my in-laws celebrating Christmas with Mark’s family, and I was exhausted. I really had good intentions of baking cookies, but at about 7:30P.M. I looked at Mark with a panic and said, “We didn’t make the cookies!”.  He told me to not worry about it and just enjoy those last minutes with the boys before we put them to bed. I’m so glad he said what he did.  It helped me take the pressure off myself. Instead of stressing out, I just sat in the living room floor and played with the boys and their new toys. Before Will went to bed we had him go to the kitchen and set out some Pepperidge Farm cookies for Santa. We assured him that Santa would really like them. I asked Will what we should leave for the reindeer. He told me carrots, of course. Being the slacker, unprepared mom that I am, we didn’t have carrots. Instead of carrots we left some organic spring mix. I told him the reindeer would really like that, too.
And they did!


  1. Hey, Santa probably preferred those cookies compared to some homemade batches I have sampled before...if you know what I'm saying...

    Hope your Christmas was VERY Merry!

  2. He is such a cutie!! Hope you guys had a great Christmas!! Can't wait for you to start doing WIWW again!! ;)

  3. Wow, that is a huge container of organic spring mix! Love that your sweet hubby told you not to worry about the cookies. Bet Santa thought those Pepperidge Farm goodies tasted delicious!

  4. it looks like you all had a wonderful christmas and you are enjoying your time off! happy new year!

  5. mixed greens! too funny! oh i bet santa liked the break from all the sugar!!! :)

  6. So sweet of the hubs to keep the important things at the top of his mind. I remember leaving all sorts of interesting things for Santa and the reindeer when I was a kid... one particular year the reindeer got corn. :)

  7. Thanks for the sweet comment! Your boys are just darling!

  8. The time spent with your cute boys is more important then the cookies :)
    Happy New year to you!


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