Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Santa Photo 2010

Hello December!

Over the Thanksgiving break we took the boys to see Santa.  This wasn't just any Santa, it's our Santa.  Since we've had Will, we go every year to the same place.  We live in the middle of nowhere and we made a special drive to visit our favorite Santa here.  Each year there is a different holiday theme.  This year the theme was Narnia.  Last year the theme was the Polar Express.  I always look forward to our special trip to visit Santa.  It's just the thing to put you in a festive mood for the holidays.  Even if the temperature was in the high 70s the day we visited!  That's why you'll notice that the boys are wearing t-shirts while they waited in line.  It was a really warm day for November.

As for the photo, Will is usually the one who doesn't cooperate.  He did great, go figure!  Ben on the other hand wasn't quite sure what to think about Santa and he cried the entire time he was in Santa's lap.  I'm surprised they were able to snap a photo of the boys without Ben bawling.  Honestly, the crying didn't bother me at all.  That's just a part of making memories with little ones.  I thought it would be kind of funny to look back on. 

Here are some photos of the boys while we waited in line to see Santa.  We were inside a giant snow globe.  They loved it!  I changed their shirts just before the photo.  If you've kept up with my blog for any time now, you'll know that I'm the mom who loves to dress her little guys in matching outfits.  It drives my husband crazy.  I figure I'll dress them alike for as long as I can because I know one day they'll be big enough to tell me no. 

Happy Holidays!


  1. How fun and what a neat theme! I loved the first Narnia! Sounds like they had a great time!!!

  2. Your boys are simply adorable!!!

  3. That is a great Santa photo! We are taking the girls this weekend...can't wait to see their reactions this year...both of mine are scared of Santa, which have made hysterical pictures in the past :)


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