Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving {Part Two}

Give Thanks {Part Two}

Today we spent time with Mark's family and celebrated Thanksgiving.  Because it's difficult to coordinate schedules on holidays we celebrate the day after Thanksgiving.  It works really well for us.  It was such a beautiful, cool, crisp, fall day.  We had a good time hanging out and eating a delicious meal.  My boys had such a good time with their cousins.  They were exhausted when we got home from playing and having fun.

One of my mother-in-law's delicious pies.

 More desserts!

Take one of the family photo

Take two of the family photo

 Mark's parents and the grandkids
The grandkids range in age from 16 years to 18 months.

Hope your day was blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michele,
    Happy Holiday weekend to you. That is nice that you guys can spend two days celebrating with both of your families. I wish we could do that with my husband's family too but we are in CA and they live in Idaho. Great family pictures. That is a lot of cousins! That's neat. I have 14 cousins that I grew up with and we all see each other fairly often.


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