Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happiness Is...

Happiness is winning a really cool blog giveaway. 
I've entered so many blog giveaways that I've lost count.  I never expect to win.  Do any of you feel like me?  Do you feel like you never win?   I always take the time to enter because I figure someone has to win, it's just usually not little old me.  A couple of weeks ago I was surprised to find an email in my inbox from Lisa Leonard Designs.  It said I'd won a $50 gift certificate from The Nester.  How cool is that!?!  I've been wanting a piece of jewelry from Lisa Leonard since I first saw her beautiful necklaces.  If you blog, then you've heard about Lisa Leonard.  Her jewelry is lovely and her blog is, too.
I chose the personzlied Family Tree necklace.
I love wearing it!


  1. Yay... congratulations! You made a beautiful choice! :)

  2. Yea, Michele!! Congrats! It's lovely! :)

  3. oooh, I always wonder who gets to win those! So happy you were a winner. Enjoy wearing it, you (and everyone who admires it) will love it.

  4. First of all, thanks for visiting my blog. Second, congrats on that rad necklace. That is a big deal, girl! :) Finally, I scrolled down and saw your next post with my dream designer, Sarah Richardson. OH MY... I love her. Love everything about her and Tommy her assistant, too. I would do whatever it takes to get that duo to my house to work some magic. Thank you for the fabulous verse. So perfect for us,you are right. I'll be follower, too! Nancy

  5. Congrats! I love her stuff as well. Your choice is beautiful, can't wait to see it in WIWW! Hope you had a great weekend, only a few more weeks and us teachers get a vacaction to Give Thanks!


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