Friday, September 3, 2010

Keen Stink


My favorite summer shoes for the boys are Keen sandals.  They are well-designed for comfort, durability and appearance.  These shoes are so great.  The sandals have never worn blisters on their little feet,  they go with everything and are easy to get on and off.  Will has worn them for three summers, and Ben had his first pair this summer.  There are so many good things I could say about their Keen sandals. 

I should also include a warning about the Keen sandals.  The boys feet reek of what we now call "Keen Stink" when they take their sandals off.  I guess it's the sweat.  It's really surprising how bad their feet smell.  This is so gross to write about, but it's kind of funny.  Last summer, Will was two and a half and when he was in the car he would take his sandals off and say, "Smell my Keen stink!" and just laugh.  It was both hilarious and disgusting.   I thought the Keen stink might just be a combination of Will's sweaty feet and the sandals, but Ben also has the Keen stink.  I haven't found any other sandals that I like better so we'll continue to buy the boys Keens and deal with the Keen stink that comes with it.  It's bearable. 

Just a random observation about my life raising two little boys.  Aren't they cute?

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