Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ben's One Year Photos

Tomorrow Ben is fifteen months old!  He is growing up, and it's all happening so quickly.  It seems like we were just celebrating his first birthday.  Ben turned one at the beginning of June, and we had his one-year photos taken at the end of June.  It's taken about three months, but I'm finally getting around to sharing them.  I've also included a few photos we had taken of Will on the same day.  Mark and I were just talking about how he will be four in two months.  Seriously!  Four years old!  It's a bit much for this mommy to handle.  I know everyone says that it goes by so fast, but it really does and you don't understand it until you are living it.

I'm getting distracted thinking about my boys growing up.  Let me focus on the photos.  I admire bloggers who can choose just one or two photos and let them tell the story.  I haven't figured out how to choose which photos of my boys make the cut when I'm blogging so I usually include all that I think are cute.  Because I'm not objective and think ALL photos of my boys are precious I am guilty of photo overload.  Below are a few that I wanted to include.  You are probably thinking, there were more?  Yes, so many more sweet photos of my little ones, but these seemed to capture my lovable boys.


Photos taken by Lauren Wensel Neyra at the Dallas Arboretum.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't they handsome?! These pictures are so good!! I can see why you couldn't choose just a small handful ... they are ALL great!! ;)

    Yes, it does seem to fly by, doesn't it?! You're right ... you don't really "get it" until you're living it!


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